What Is Not Fair, Un-American and a Constitutional Crime About This Case?


We are victims of a felony crime. We have yet to receive any legal help or victims rights services. Over 100,000 tv shows, broadcast news segments, Congressional reports and news articles cover the fact that the crimes did happen.

Jesse Jackson Junior stole money from the government and collects $138,400.00 per year from the government. We reported a crime and contributed over 42 million dollars in taxes and services to the government yet only get to collect $12,000.00 per year. There are over 22 million people who did crimes who also collect as much...yet we get nearly nothing after getting defrauded by the Department of Energy.

The DOE Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant under contracts with the Department of Energy and the government-owned U.S. Enrichment Corp paid $5M whistle-blower awards to those who blew the whistle on millions of dollars of corruption. We blew the whistle on hundreds of billions of dollars of corruption at DOE and have not only not received a dime of whistle-blower awards but lost over a billion dollars due to Dept. of Energy reprisals.

The Dept. of Energy has agreed to pay millions to resolve fraud allegations in its award of small business subcontracts to clean up part of the Hanford nuclear reservation. The Department of Justice released the settlement amount after it and Washington Closure announced the day before they had reached an agreement. Two other businesses named in the lawsuit, Richland's Federal Engineers & Constructors (FE&C) and Sage Tec, reached separate settlements in 2017. The FE&C settlement for $2 million and Sage Tec settlement for $235,000 bring the total recovered by the Department of Justice to more than $5.5 million in the case. We blew the whistle on hundreds of billions of dollars of corruption at DOE and have not only not received a dime of whistle-blower awards but lost over a billion dollars due to Dept. of Energy reprisals.

Dept. of Energy Hanford subcontractor URS has agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by former employee Walter Tamosaitis for $4.1 million. The settlement in the whistleblower case comes almost one year before the case was set for a jury trial in federal court in Richland. We blew the whistle on hundreds of billions of dollars of corruption at DOE and have not only not received a dime of whistle-blower awards but lost over a billion dollars due to Dept. of Energy reprisals.

Many news reports such as this, demonstrate the utter lack of justice in modern Washington:

GAO Report Confirms DOE has Failed to Protect Whistleblowers

 "They will make an example of anyone who challenges them." This chilling comment from a contractor employee quoted in a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report illustrates how Department of Energy (DOE) contractors have developed a culture of fear and intimidation that threatens to subvert legitimate safety ...